
Data Analytics can help you access, analyse and interrogate data in multiple format with easy to use but powerful functions for forensics/fraud investigation without being a technology expert.

Forensics/Fraud Audit

Forensics refers to use of science and technology to investigate and establish facts in criminal or civil courts of law. It includes scientific tests or techniques used in the investigation of crimes. Forensic accounting is defined as “the practice of utilizing accounting, auditing and investigative skills to determine whether fraud has occurred”

Forensic accounting is a speciality practice area wherein data analysis tools like CAAT (Computer Aided Audit Techniques) and GAS (General Audit Software) are extensively used in investigating the occurrence of frauds and recommending appropriate actions to mitigate or avoid the future risks from them.

We offer a blend of software, training and consulting services to assist in the investigation of fraud where computers have been used to commit the fraud and the data is available in electronic form. Our consultants are trained to work on Fraud Audit or Forensics both for prevention and detection. Our investigation would result in identifying Red Flags of potential fraud and also establish the evidence for fraud committed using computers.

Our solutions are primarily focused on Data Analysis using our suite of software products and do not involve digital forensics.

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