T-CAAT Suite T-CAAT Suite Caption

T-CAAT Suite of Software

Tally is most extensively used software in India. It has various functions for generating multiple types of reports on the fly. However, getting data directly from Tally into MS Excel for further analysis is a big challenge due to formatting issues as the data exported is not in a structured format which is amenable for analysis using Excel. Further, exporting data from Tally takes time and the data after exporting to Excel has to be formatted for performing further analysis in Excel.

T-CAAT suite of Solutions are add-In Software to MS Excel that facilitates Importing Data of Masters, Transactions and Reports from Tally to MS Excel in a structured format in a few clicks so that the data imported in Excel can used for further analysis using the features of MS Excel or any Data Analytics Software. T-CAAT solutions empower users to perform Data Analytics using T-CAAT/MS Excel thus saving time and enhancing productivity.

T-CAAT Solutions provide faster extraction of information from Tally as reports are directly extracted through query and xml for required/specified data. The functions executed are automatically documented in excel log and activities log. T-CAAT Solutions also provide option to link workbook with specific company for future printing/reference. The functions performed can be rerun or re-performed as required.

T-CAAT Suite of Software are designed to enhance productivity and help CA/CXOs to provide better assurance and facilitate analysis of Tally data as per requirements. The T-CAAT Suite includes T-CAAT Ent version which has specific assurance functions, T-CAAT Pro version designed only to exports masters/transactions and Auto T-CAAT version which automates export of selected masters/transactions in one go.

The list of software belonging to the T-CAAT Suite are given below. You can see specific details of each of the software on the product page of our website.

T-CAAT Solutions are available both as Single User and Multi-User Version.

T-CAAT Suite -List of Software

  T-CAAT Ent  

  T-CAAT Pro  

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