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Auto TCAAT Auto T-CAAT Caption

Auto T-CAAT Pro Flow Process
Designed specifically for CA firms and their Teams to automate assurance process.
Highly useful for Audit Professionals, CXOs, Compliance Managers to automate export of relevant masters, vouchers and reports from Tally to MS Excel
Perform select group of functions at one go to generate all reports in Excel Workbooks, based on selection “By Process” or “By Functions” and save as template.
Automate standard Audit/MIS process based on select group of functions as required.
Dynamically interfaces with Tally to Export data as required and extract Data of Masters and Vouchers in MS Excel exported from Tally
Automate Assurance Tests from Tally Data in a few clicks and perform further analysis as required using MS Excel or Data Analytics Software with the data exported in structured format.
Available both as Single User and Multi User (Install on Server and access from Desktop/Laptop)

Features based on Panels/Menus/Functions
Sl. Tabs Primarily No. of Functions
No. Panels Used For Ent Pro
1 Configure,Docs,Tools & Util. Configure, Docs and Profile Tally Data 14 3
2 By Process Perform Functions based from list of panels:
Profile,Accounting,Inventory, CC & Registers
60 35
3 By Category Perform Functions as per Masters,Transactions & Reports 60 35
4 By Functions Select and perform any of the functions. 60 35
Total 194 108
Note: The same functions are available for selection in By Process, By Category and By Functions.

Listing based on Features
Sl. Features Primarily No. of Functions
No. Type Benefits Ent Pro
1 Configure, Docs, Tools & Util Configure, Docs and Profile Tally Data 14 3
2 By Process Perform Functions based from list of panels:
Profile,Accounting,Inventory, CC & Registers
60 35
3 By Category Perform Functions as per Masters,Transactions & Reports 60 35
4 By Process Select and perform any of the functions. 60 35
Total 194 108
Note: The same functions are available for selection in By Process, By Category and By Functions.

Overview of Key Features of Auto T-CAAT Pro           

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